Picture of Boyan Blocka

Boyan Blocka

Boyan Blocka is a Partner at Kyosei Consulting International, Inc. where he is a Trainer and Strategic Futurist. He’s currently finishing his first novel and a self-help book for rapid productivity. He lives with his wife and son in Vancouver.

I’ll Have Mine With Wabi-Sabi

Kyosei Coaching

In Western society we obsess about perfection. The perfect mate. Perfect car. Perfect job. Perfect looks. Perfect life. It never ends. As a collective we sand-down the edges of ‘real’ reality until there is no real substance left. At what point do we evaporate into a forgettable mist of bad reality shows?
Enter wabi-sabi.
Put simply, ‘wabi-sabi’ is the Japanese idea of finding and accepting true beauty in the imperfect, impermanent and incomplete. From an aesthetic viewpoint, its characteristics often …

(Kyosei Coaching)

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