Work transformed.™


Do you need speakers for a conference, training session or retreat?

Kyosei speaks on a variety of timely business topics. We tailor our speeches and presentations to suit a variety of formats for conferences, corporate training and staff development retreats (including keynote, half, full, or multi-day programs). Here’s a sampling of our most popular speaking topics:

Inspiring Passion and Performance at Work

Employee engagement and quality workplaces are the key to healthy, vibrant, and profitable corporate cultures. While most engagement and workplace quality models provide a comprehensive framework for addressing environmental, leadership and policy issues related to engagement – they gloss over a critical piece – passion!

Tapping into the passions (or to be specific, the intrinsic motivations of your people) is a proactive solution to combat not only stress-related absenteeism, but the rising costs of presenteeism (a workforce that leaves their hearts and minds at the door).

An elegant framework for tapping into the potential of your people and aligning it with your organization, Kyosei’s ‘Inspiring Passion and Performance at Work’ is a must-see event for growth conscious leaders.

Beyond Balance™

Balance as a foundation of wellness is misguided. The word suggests trade offs, compromises and even the stress of maintaining a tenuous equilibrium that may not be in the best interests of the individual (or the company).

Suggesting a different framework for wellness, this thought provoking session introduces the Kyosei Life-Work IntegrityTM model – a powerful tool for aligning who you are with what you do and the organization’s inherent needs.

An efficient, easy-to-follow framework for enhancing wellness, engagement and performance that strengthens the real roots of workplace wellness and appeals to both individuals and organizations.

Beyond Sustainability
– the Kyosei Edge

Sustainability and social responsibility are the new buzzwords in business, but do they go far enough? The human spirit is not merely content to survive – it seeks ways to thrive. Kyosei – a Japanese word for ‘living and working together for the common good,’ encourages a thriving business by helping people and organizations transcend the reactionary ‘treading water’ mindset that can accompany sustainability with proactive, creative tools for the long-term prosperity of ‘people, profits and the planet.’

Pioneer a new vision of work by helping your organization define and manage its unique role in the delicate balance of people, profits and the planet.

Result of Note™
– Permanent Systems Thinking

Everyday we as individuals and as leaders of organizations make decisions that bleed off energy unnecessarily. To make matters worse, many of the technologies we adopt in the spirit of efficiency inadvertently chains us to yet more unnecessary ‘busy work,’ taking us yet further from that which really needs to be done. How then can we begin to free ourselves from the tyranny of the ‘squeaky wheel,’ and regain our roles as leaders? For the answer to this and more, book Kyosei today.

Laser Marketing™

AI. Blogging. Branding. Freemium models. SEO. Social Networking. Traditional Advertising. Twitter. Viral marketing. The array of marketing methods and attendant buzzwords is vast and occasionally dizzying. How and where does one start and is it even possible to integrate all of these ideas into one ‘Grand Unified Theory’ that can actually hit your target ethically?

For answers to this and more, Laser Marketing is the presentation you need to book today. Presented in an entertaining, educational and informationally dense format, Speaker Boyan Blocka unveils a powerful model to finally make sense of it all.


ready to reach new heights? Let's get there, together.

Since 2001, we’ve helped leaders and teams worldwide unlock potential, ignite passion, lead through uncertainty, reclaim life-work balance, build thriving cultures and dramatically level up their productivity. If that’s what your event needs, then…

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