Category: Conscious Entrepreneurs

Andrea Jacques

Being Jouzu
Leveraging Your Talents for Success

Kyosei Coaching

Any foreigner living in Japan quickly discovers the word jouzu, a Japanese word that means skillful or talented. When uttering any relatively coherent Japanese phrase, kind Japanese listeners eager to encourage your linguistic brilliance often exclaim “Anata no nihongo wa jouzu desu!” Like me, many of you might bask in this fantasy of fluency for a few seconds before quickly exclaiming, “iie, jouzu ja nai!” as you know they will quickly discover the pathetic limits of your language abilities. On …

(Kyosei Coaching)

Andrea Jacques

Lessons from Silicon Valley

This New Year’s my fiancé and I traveled to the heart of Silicon Valley, to meet my new nephew. While for me the baby was

Stressed in the City
Andrea Jacques

Stressed in the City: Leverage Your Strengths
Part 1

Kyosei Coaching

Many stress experts tout things such as exercise, meditation, journaling, and walking in nature as solutions for managing stress. These are great in theory – and even in practice – but what if you just can’t find the time to fit anything more in? How can you optimize what you are already doing to increase energy, reduce stress, and avoid adding one more thing into your already overloaded schedule?
Simple – leverage your strengths.
First, let’s differentiate between natural strengths …

(Kyosei Coaching)

Stressed in the City
Andrea Jacques

Stressed in the City: Closing Your Integrity Gaps
Part 2

Kyosei Coaching

In my last post I revealed the secret of leveraging your strengths to enhance your energy and immunize yourself against stress. To continue, I am introducing another key stress reduction strategy – closing your Integrity Gaps.
What exactly is an Integrity Gap? Integrity Gaps exist whenever our actions are not in alignment with our most deeply held values, principles and beliefs. Ever had that tight feeling in the pit of your stomach as a result of something you have said …

(Kyosei Coaching)

Stressed in the City
Andrea Jacques

Stressed in the City: Taking Stock
Part 3

Kyosei Coaching

Stress has become such a common part of life, that people are often not even aware how high their level of stress might be. No matter where you live, answering the following questions will provide you with insight into where you sit on the stress continuum.
Use the following scale to assign yourself points on each question and then add up the numbers for your overall score:
1= never   2= seldom   3 = sometimes   4= often  5 = always
I …

(Kyosei Coaching)

Stressed in the City
Andrea Jacques

Stressed in the City: The Power of Purpose
Part 4

Kyosei Coaching

Research shows that those individuals with a clear sense of purpose and the ability to find meaning in both positive and negative events in their lives are more resilient in times of crisis.
Why is this?
From a very young age we begin to ask “why?” These early questions stem from the inherent knowledge that everything in life has meaning and purpose. Unfortunately, as we grow older, we are trained to stop asking why and to just do as we …

(Kyosei Coaching)

Stressed in the City
Andrea Jacques

Stressed in the City: Right-Sizing Your Vision
Part 5

In this final installment of the Stressed in the City series I want to address an often misunderstood topic that is at the root of stress for many successful people – vision (or lack thereof).
The first pitfall is not having a vision at all. Having no vision for your life and work causes stress because you have nothing to work towards, nothing to look forward to, nothing to challenge yourself to achieve. Many successful people experience this once they …

Andrea Jacques

Why Resolutions Fail

The majority of New Year’s resolutions fail for the same reason that so many businesses do – because people let their strategy limit their vision.
Here’s a simple example. Jeremy determines what he will do for his vacation based on the fact that he has only $500 and can’t take more than a week off. This seems very realistic, however it will likely limit Jeremy to futon-surfing around Whistler at friend’s houses. If, on the other hand, Jeremy first spends …

Andrea Jacques

Happy New Year!

How many times have you started off the new year with high hopes and a long list of lofty resolutions only to end up frustrated by the end of the first quarter (if not sooner!) to see that many, if …

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