Picture of Andrea Jacques

Andrea Jacques

Andrea is a dynamic speaker, facilitator and coach with a gift for helping people and organizations to thrive. Her 25+ years of experience in coaching and consulting bring a seasoned perspective to what your organization needs to grow outgrow good enough and become truly legendary. Andrea lives to unlock the performance of individuals and teams, inspire employee engagement, and transform workplaces into environments with the ability to grow and sustain passion, vitality, creativity and fulfillment in their employees.

Conscious Choices – Good Thing, Bad Thing

Kyosei Coaching

One day a Japanese university student came running to the temple of a Zen master crying, “Master, Master, the water pipes in my apartment broke and the whole tatami floor is flooded, isn’t it terrible?”  The master simply smiled and replied “Good thing, bad thing, who knows?”
The next day, the student again came running to the master. “Isn’t it wonderful master” he said “ A fire broke out in the apartment next to mine last night and my neighbor …

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What if my dream job doesn’t exist?

Kyosei Coaching

With thousands of jobs listed in the National Occupational Classification Dictionary, the first question I would ask you is,  “Are you sure it doesn’t exist?”  Labour market research is a critical component of finding if and where your dream job can be found. So unless you’ve spent the time researching all of the different sources to find if your dream job is already out there, then this could be just a convenient excuse for you to give into your fears …

(Kyosei Coaching)

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Criticize By Creating

Life is filled with opportunities to complain and criticize. We witness it in both organized forms, such as documentaries and protests, and organic forms like

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‘Zen-Fitting’ Your Business With Right Livelihood

Kyosei Coaching

With businesses facing increasing scrutiny of their balance sheets, they often neglect the importance of intangibles – balancing life and work, building relationships, maintaining integrity and fostering social responsibility – that can ensure long-term sustainability and growth.  In my 14 years as a career and business development consultant, “Right Livelihood” is the concept I have found that best guides people and organizations towards this goal to balance people, profits and the planet.
“Right Livelihood” – a Buddhist concept about earning …

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Becoming You

Staying true to yourself is key to success, regardless of gender. Something unexpected happened just as I was getting ready to leave Japan after five

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Igniting Passion, Performance and Profits

Kyosei Coaching

What is a learning organization?
A learning organization is one that is committed to continuously re-envisioning all aspects of its business and increasing the capabilities of its people. Being a learning organization must be the foundation of any organizational culture that hopes to go beyond surviving to thrive in the 21st century high-speed, rapid change business climate.
A learning organization is a bit of a misnomer because it is not, of course, the organization that actually learns. Rather it is …

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Creative Living

Kyosei Coaching

Many people long for more from their lives. They read books and attend seminars trying to find that one resource or piece of information that will unlock their potential and free them from fear and confusion – the missing ingredient that will help them to discover their path to fulfillment. Ironically, it is this very confusion that contains the seed of their transformation.
In 18 years as a Coach and Trainer working with people all over the world, I have …

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