21st Century Leadership: Growing Culture, Engagement, Resilience and Impact in the New World of Work

The new world of work requires a new type of leadership. In a volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous (VUCA) world, traditional models of hierarchical leadership no longer work. For organizations to survive and thrive in the 21st century and beyond, leaders must adopt a new approach. They must become experts in cultivating leaders at every level. While many leaders understand the need to shift their leadership mindset and approach, they find it difficult to understand where to begin. This program provides leaders with an overview of the new science and realities driving leadership effectiveness and supports them to take immediate action to apply their insights to improve the performance, fulfillment and impact of themselves, their team and their business.

Instructional Objectives:

The following topics will be covered:

Module 1 – Answering the Call of 21st Century Leadership

  • The Kyosei Prime Directive™: Purpose as the new imperative for business success
  • Traditional vs. transformational leadership
  • Limitations of traditional leadership approaches
  • The science of transformational leadership
  • Assessing your leadership mindset
  • How mindset drives results (or lack thereof)
  • The mindsets of workplace transformation
  • Taking action to shift your mindset

Module 2 – Foundations of High-Performance, High-Fulfillment, High-Impact Organizations

  • Overview of the Kyosei Thrive Model for thriving employees and organizations
  • The Inside Out Culture Design™ approach to growing leaders at every level
  • Developing a fertile culture that supports growth in a climate of inclusion and diversity
  • The intersection of employee performance, engagement, resilience and change
  • The role of communication, emotional intelligence, trust and teamwork in thriving on change

Module 3 – Life-Work Integrity™: Authentic Leadership as the Key Success Factor in the New World of Work

  • Life-Work Integrity™ as a foundation for 21st century leadership
  • Defining and aligning with your Core Passions™, the foundation for authentic leadership, building trust, and creating the psychological safety your team
  • How Life-Work Integrity™ drives motivation, engagement, performance and fulfillment in your team
  • Infusing Life-Work Integrity™ in your systems, processes and culture

Module 4 – The Trust Factor (The Secret to Employee Motivation, Engagement & Performance)

  • Research on key drivers of employee motivation, engagement, and performance
  • How leaders inadvertently sabotage employee motivation and engagement
  • Trust drivers and blockers that can bring your team together or pull them apart
  • Trust is in the eye of the beholder: do a reality check on how others see you
  • Check your intentions: understand your own motivations before you question others
  • Intellectual humility: curiosity, creativity and the ability to question your own competence
  • How trust fuels innovation, excellence, retention and impact

Module 5 – Evaluating the Quality of Your Culture

  • How alive is your culture? Taking your culture off the page and into people’s hearts and minds
  • Reality check: assessing your official culture against your real culture
  • Common mistakes organizations make that undermine employees’ buy-in to the culture
  • Is your culture built to last? Identifying if your culture needs an update

Module 6 – Conscious Collaboration Foundations

  • Conscious communication: Deep listening, curiosity and strategic questions
  • The coach approach to leadership
  • Building systems and structures that support evolutionary teamwork
  • Making meetings matter
  • Delegation foundations
  • Purposeful project planning

Module 7 – Diversity and Inclusion Foundations

  • The difference between diversity and inclusion
  • How diversity, inclusion and equity drive organizational success
  • Three drivers of inclusion and engagement
  • Conscious feedback foundations for leveraging diversity and creating opportunities for every employee to grow and thrive
  • Key techniques leaders must model to build an inclusive culture

Module 8 – Change Management Foundations

  • Types of change
  • Key change management research and models
  • Understanding resistance
  • The barriers to change
  • Key drivers of successful change initiatives
  • Challenges with sustaining change
  • Sustaining vs. amplifying change
  • Change and learning
  • Project management vs. change management
  • Fundamentals of change management
  • The leader’s role in sustaining change

Note: Modules 1-6 are included in the 36-hour individual training or 6-day group training programs. Modules 7 & 8 are included in the 48-hour individual training or 8-day group training program.

Measurable Learning Outcomes:

By the end of the training participants will:

  • Understand the core concepts and latest research on transformational leadership, change management, culture design and growing employee motivation, engagement, performance and commitment
  • Identify where they are on the journey to becoming a transformational leader
  • Be able to apply the Kyosei Thrive Model, the Inside Out Culture Design approach and Life-Work Integrity to unify and streamline their people development strategies
  • Create a leadership development blueprint to align their leadership style and organization systems, processes and culture with the research and science backed approaches of transformational leadership

This program builds competencies in the following areas:

Duration & Resources:

36 Hours, 48 Hours

Available as (Delivery Format):

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