Boyan Blocka

Fulfilled Leader™: Foundations

Not your typical leadership program… It’s time to upgrade your operating system. To survive and thrive in the new world of work, leaders must learn how to amplify wellbeing and impact – starting with their own. Based on more than three decades experience working with leaders to amplify performance, wellbeing, engagement, energy and impact in themselves and their teams, this six-week “intensive” course is a Masterclass in what it takes to create and sustain fulfillment as a leader.

Communication Foundations for a High Performance Workplace

As businesses grow, it is natural to move high performing employees into a team leadership role. Unfortunately, this move can prove problematic. Employees who are good at doing their own job, don’t always have the skills they need to help manage the performance of others. The additional level of responsibility can distract them from maintaining previously high performance in their original role. Resentment can build from peers who aren’t open to being managed by someone whom they see as being at the same level as they are. In short, moving an employee to a team leadership or mentoring role can turn into a minefield of problems! This program provides newly minted team leaders with the skills they need to confidently manage their peers in a way that fosters creativity, collaboration and camaraderie rather than resistance and resentment.

Leading and Managing Change

Most successful leaders feel confident in their strategic planning, project management and performance management abilities, but experience frustration when it comes to realizing the full

Thriving Together While Working Apart

Employees are needing to adapt rapidly to working from home, while also implementing huge shifts in the core business models and processes of the organizations they work for. This can feel overwhelming. It may not seem like it, but there’s a bright side. The forced shift to remote work presents an opportunity for organizations to examine and rebuild their foundations for driving performance, engagement and results in ways that support all stakeholders to reach new levels of thriving.

Leading a Thriving Team in a Remote Work World

The forced shift to remote work presents an opportunity for organizations to examine and rebuild their foundations for driving performance, engagement and results in ways that support all stakeholders to reach new levels of thriving. This program provides a big picture overview of fundamental skills, knowledge, tools, and mindsets that support teams to thrive no matter where they are working from.

Productivity Foundations for Owners & Entrepreneurs

The recent need for many business to shift to remote or hybrid work models has exposed the fact that many leaders lack an understanding of these productivity foundations and that their organizations lack the key systems, structures and processes that support productivity. This program provides a big picture overview of fundamental productivity skills, knowledge, tools, and mindsets that support teams to thrive no matter where they are working from.

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