Leading a Thriving Team in a Remote Work World

Growing Performance, Engagement & Wellbeing in the New World of Work

Leaders and managers have always been tasked with optimizing performance and results of themselves and their teams, but never before have they faced so many challenges. COVID-19 has amplified both the need for peak performance and the challenges that get in the way. Leaders must support their teams to pivot business and service models while also managing potential health concerns and the additional stressors of working from home.

These realities are not likely to shift even once the pandemic is under control. Research shows that remote work is here to stay. Both organizations and employees see huge benefits to working remotely in some form long term. Research also show that disruption is only going to increase, so the need for individuals and teams to be agile, resilient and productive in the face of constant change is here to stay.

The good news is that this forced shift to remote work presents an opportunity for organizations to examine and rebuild their foundations for driving performance, engagement and results in ways that support all stakeholders to reach new levels of thriving. This program provides a big picture overview of fundamental skills, knowledge, tools, and mindsets that support teams to thrive no matter where they are working from. Many leaders theoretically “know” these fundamentals, but don’t apply them as fully as they could for themselves or their teams. This program introduces or refreshes these fundamentals. More importantly, it includes application assignments for participants to report back on in each session to ensure their learning is applied back at work. The entire series is delivered over the course of 3-6 months to ensure leaders and managers actually implement the productivity habits and systems that will keep their team working at its peak potential no matter where they are located.

Instructional Objectives:

Module 1: Start Where You Are: Foundations for Thriving While Working Remotely

This initial session provides a quick overview of the key issues to consider when getting individuals and teams settled into working remotely. Topics covered include:

  • The 5 elements of thriving while working remotely (mindset, space, structure, tools and technology, people). Assessing your gaps and creating a plan to address them.
  • Tips, tools and resources for parents working at home with kids.
  • Tips, tools and resources for people working at home with a spouse or roommate.
  • Tips, tools and resources for people working at home alone.
  • Remote work policies overview.
  • Assignment: Managers will assess themselves and their direct reports, teams and/or divisions to determine needs and create an action plan to address priorities.

Module 2: Getting Things Done: Productivity Principles & Practices for Remote & Hybrid Teams

  • Assessment of Productivity Quotient of themselves and their team
  • Why your people struggle with getting things done – the 4 productivity FOES and how they are impacted by suddenly working from home.
  • Improving Focus – principles of planning and prioritization
  • Remote work productivity pitfalls and best practices
  • Getting and staying Organized – a daily action planning framework
  • Essential tools and technology for getting and staying organized when working with virtual teams
  • Assignment: Managers will assess the opportunities for themselves and their team to improve productivity and create an action plan to address priorities.

Module 3: Fundamentals of Resilience and Energy Optimization for Remote & Hybrid Teams

  • Overview of the Life-Work Integrity™ framework for energy, well-being, resilience and engagement in leaders and team.
  • Identifying the unique blueprint that drives and blocks energy, fulfillment, resilience, and results at work for each individual on your team (and yourself).
  • How supporting individual energy, wellbeing and fulfillment supports business resilience and results.

Module 4: Culture and Productivity for Remote Teams

  • What culture is and how it impacts personal productivity and business results
  • The leader’s role in creating a thriving culture
  • The manager’s role in creating a thriving culture
  • Assessing the reality of your current culture
  • How to define your ideal culture
  • Culture building elements that are lost when everyone is working from home and how to fill the gaps
  • Growing towards your ideal culture while working with your virtual team

Module 5: Knowing What Matters Most: Identifying & Communicating Strategic Priorities

  • Why clarity on goals and priorities is even more essential for remote and hybrid teams to thrive
  • How goals and priorities drive business success
  • The danger of too many priorities
  • How to identify what matters most
  • Strategic priorities vs. goals
  • How culture drives strategic priorities
  • Defining your strategic priorities
  • Communicating your strategic priorities to your team

Module 6: Fundamentals of Delegation & Collaboration for Remote & Hybrid Teams

  • Why most managers are ineffective delegators and how having to manage their team remotely can correct this issue
  • How delegation, collaboration, and meetings can foster and limit productivity
  • Key myths and common mistakes that lead to ineffective delegation
  • The five elements of effective delegation and collaboration
  • Utilizing systems to track accountability and monitor progress
  • Tools and technology to support effective delegation no matter where your team is working from

Module 7: High Performance Meeting Fundamentals for Remote and Hybrid Teams

  • Meetings as productivity boosters and busters
  • Types of meetings that every healthy business must have
  • Key skills for leading effective meetings
  • Engaging all participants in meetings
  • Supporting inclusion and diversity – why it matters and quick tools to do it
  • Agendas and minutes – why they are essential and how to do them quickly and effectively

Module 8: Fundamentals of Work and Project Planning for Remote and Hybrid Teams

  • The four different types of planning
  • Creating a planning habit
  • Project planning purpose, principles, and best practices
  • Applying project planning principles to strategic priorities
  • Show and tell of tools and technology for project planning and task management

Module 9: Fundamentals of Systems Thinking for Remote and Hybrid Teams

  • How systems drive productivity
  • The importance of aligning systems with your culture
  • The Result of Note™ mindset – the engine of capacity building
  • Building systems and habits to automate, optimize and improve both results and fulfillment at work.
  • Online project management software and other technology you can use to build systems while doing the work

Module 10: Final Progress Report & Integration Planning Day

Any successful person knows that “It’s not what you know, it’s what you do.” For this reason we include this essential progress, planning and integration session as the final session in the program. Participants will be required to complete a progress report assignment on their insights and results from the previous weeks of the program. They will also create a plan for how they will continue to integrate their insights from the training into their life and work over the coming 3-6 months and present it to the group. This final session creates accountability and support for continuing to apply their learning and encourages participants to establish check-in calls with one another to share successes and resources.

Format: Each module contains 1 half-day training session.  Program includes virtual open office hours every 2nd week for participants to meet with instructor for individual support on integrating their learning with their team. 

Note: This session is designed for leaders, managers and entrepreneurs who are responsible for growing performance, engagement and wellbeing in remote and hybrid teams. Please see our Remote Work & Productivity program if you would like full teams or mixed employee levels to be trained together. Each of the above sessions is also a condensed version of our longer training programs that has been adapted specifically to support managers who must adjust their style to lead virtual or hybrid teams. Please contact us if you would like more information on programs that focus on a specific area above or for a free training needs assessment consultation.

Measurable Learning Outcomes:

By the end of the program, participants will:

  • Understand the productivity FOES that are blocking the energy, productivity, and results of themselves and their team.
  • Assess and address the immediate needs of staff who have shifted to working from home to get them up and functioning as quickly as possible.
  • Have a framework for supporting staff to sustain productive routines even if they need to shift back and forth between working from home and working from the office or other locations.
  • Feel more competent, confident and in control of their own time, results, and wellbeing.
  • Have tools to evaluate where each of their team members is having challenges with productivity and understand how to support them to address their unique situation.
  • Implement concrete action steps throughout the program to address their productivity gaps both as individuals and as a team and create a thriving remote team.
  • Have tools to grow and sustain a healthy culture in their remote teams.

Program Dates, Duration & Investment

The program runs for 10 weeks from 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM. Upcoming start dates:

  • July 28th, 2021
  • August 18th, 2021
  • September 29th, 2021
  • To register email info@kyoseiconsulting.com with the name of the course and your preferred dates and you will be sent a registration and payment link.
  • E-mail waitlist@kyoseiconsulting.com to be notified of future dates when they are announced. Please include the full name of the program in the subject line.
  • Investment is $5997 plus GST (early bird registration two weeks before start date is $4997)

This program builds competencies in the following areas:

Duration & Resources:

40 Hours

Available as (Delivery Format):

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