Clarifying Priorities for Productivity

One of the biggest barriers to productivity is a lack of clarity on priorities. Without this clarity, people are prone to distraction, procrastination, and falling prey to the “squeaky wheel” system of prioritization. This keeps your people – and your business – operating in a reactive crisis mode that leaves everyone feeling like they can’t keep up, let alone get ahead.  This training program provides leaders, entrepreneurs and employees at all levels with the necessary skills and knowledge to set effective priorities and avoid the distractions that keep them from staying focused on these priorities in their day-to-day work.

Instructional Objectives:

This course provides participants with an understanding of the foundations for effective prioritization in their work, life and business. It covers the following topics:

  • The Pareto Principle and how this links to determining priorities;
  • The Four Quadrants Method of identifying priorities;
  • How core values impact prioritization;
  • How business crises and personality style and sidetrack priorities;
  • The importance of clarifying business purpose and vision to stay focused on the priorities that will have the greatest positive impact on business growth;
  • Common ways that people distract themselves from their priorities and how to prevent them (Pomodoro technique, e-mail response protocols, setting boundaries, protecting your space); and
  • Tips for managing other people (customers, employees, co-workers) who distract you from your priorities (basic communication and delegation techniques).

Measurable Learning Outcomes:

By the end of the session, participants will have the skills and knowledge to:

  • Have clarity on the key priorities they need to focus on in order to be more successful and productive in both their role and the business;
  • Be better able to stay focused on their top priorities;
  • Be better able to avoid distracting themselves from their top priorities;
  • Have improved ability to communicate their priorities to others; and
  • Be better able to prevent other people from distracting them from their priorities.

This program builds competencies in the following areas:

Duration & Resources:

4 Hours

Available as (Delivery Format):

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