Strategic Planning and Systems Thinking for Teams

Most leaders and business owners see strategic planning and systems improvement as their sole role and responsibility. While this is typically the case, it doesn’t have to be that way. In fact, this belief that strategic thinking and planning, systems optimization and problem solving are the responsibility of management alone is one of the biggest blocks to innovation, customer service excellence and business growth. This 4-day training program is designed to introduce employees at all levels to the fundamentals for business literacy so that they are better able to contribute to optimizing business systems, strategy and profitability as they go about their day-to-day role.

Instructional Objectives:

The following topics will be covered:

  • The Kyosei Thrive Model, a framework for developing a strong business, brand and culture that is the foundation for customer service excellence, engaged employees, and profit optimization;
  • The four Core Passions that form the foundation of a strong business, culture and brand (as well as for employee performance and fulfillment);
  • Why clarity of business purpose matters for service excellence, employee performance and retention, increasing and retaining market share, and improving business profits;
  • How clarity of vision links to employee performance and business profitability;
  • The difference between vision, goals, and strategic plans;
  • Why values matter. How values clarity streamlines service levels, reduces conflict, increases brand strength, attracts great customers and employees and facilitates rapid growth.
  • The importance of defining your business strengths and differentiators;
  • What is a system and how systems benefit both employees and the business;
  • Definition of Result of Note™ systems thinking;
  • Why clarity on business culture and brand foundations is required to create Result of Note systems;
  • The difference between systems and habits and why both are important;
  • The 6-step process of creating Result of Note systems;
  • How systems thinking links to customer service excellence;
  • How to evaluate the cost of any business frustration and the profit potential of resolving it;
  • How to build systems to reinforce your desired brand and culture throughout all areas of the company;
  • What strategic planning is and isn’t;
  • Different types and phases of strategic planning;
  • Strategic planning pitfalls; and
  • Measuring and monitoring: How to stay on track

Measurable Learning Outcomes:

By the end of the training, participants will:

  • Understand the Kyosei Thrive model, a framework for improving business performance, driving customer service excellence, and enhancing personal performance and fulfillment in their role;
  • Understand why and how to clearly communicate the Core Passions of their business to all customers and stakeholders who are instrumental to growing the success of their company;
  • Have identified initial priorities for developing or fine-tuning systems and habits to begin reinforcing the culture and brand throughout all operations of the business.
  • Understand how systems thinking is critical to ensure consistent delivery of high levels of customer service that aligns with the core mission, vision, values, strengths and brand promise of the business;
  • Know why systems are important and how they can help them find more time to do what they do best and enjoy most at work while contributing even more to business results;
  • Be able to clearly define the difference between Band-Aid systems and Result of Note systems;
  • Be able to use a simple process to identify their frustrations and turn them into Result of Note systems;
  • Know how to identify key opportunities and strategies for implementing systems that will increase sales, foster productivity and efficiency, and increase customer service excellence.;
  • Feel more confident, empowered and excited to create systems that will make their work easier, more fun and more effective;
  • Be able to participate effectively in annual, quarterly and monthly strategic planning sessions; and
  • Have clarity on how their role impacts the achievement of strategic business priorities.

This program builds competencies in the following areas:

Duration & Resources:

32 Hours

Available as (Delivery Format):

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