Fulfilled Leader™: Foundations

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Not your typical leadership program…

Industrial age leadership strategies that focus on squeezing every drop of performance out of yourself and your team are counterproductive. At a certain point, everyone runs dry. If you’re on this page, you’re probably feeling the crunch. You know there’s got to be a better way – you just aren’t sure what it is.

Based on over three decades working with leaders to amplify performance, wellbeing, engagement, and results, we’ve seen a better way – and we’re happy to share it!  

The Fulfilled Leader™ Foundations course is a six-week Masterclass in how to create and sustain your own energy, engagement, wellbeing and impact as a leader. By the end of the six weeks, you’ll have a solid set of tools to systematically grow your fulfilment in all areas of your life and work, so you’ll have the focus, energy and creativity you need to build a better workplace – and a better world.

Who Should Attend

This program is ideal for high performing leaders who are passionate about making a difference in their organization – and the world – but who sometimes struggle to sustain their energy, engagement, focus and wellbeing. Whether you’re an HR professional, team leader, entrepreneur, or CEO, if you want to understand the new rules for thriving as a leader in the future of work this course is for you.

What You’ll Learn

During this program you will:

  • Discover a framework for growing results and impact that “charges your battery while you drive” rather than draining it.
  • Clarify what drives and blocks your focus, energy, wellbeing, resilience and results.
  • Create a plan to amplify your fulfillment drivers and minimize your fulfillment blockers.
  • Connect and align with your unique purpose, strengths, vision and values – the Core Passions™ that serve as your “true north” during turbulent times.
  • Craft an inspiring vision for your Fulfilled Leader Future where performance and impact are aligned with your wellbeing.
  • Revive your energy, confidence and passion for leading a new vision of work where everyone, including yourself, thrives.

What's Included:

Get tools for yourself and your team. Each module includes takeaway tools you can use to support performance, wellbeing, and fulfillment in not just yourself, but your team.

  • Six live virtual sessions via Zoom with an amazing cohort of other growth-oriented leaders.
  • Weekly virtual office hours with the program’s creator, Andrea Jacques, to address any questions or “pinch points” regarding how to apply your discoveries to your unique life and work circumstances.
  • Lifetime access to the modules and recordings so you can go back to review and re-calibrate whenever you need to. (Clients who’ve taken our Life-Work Integrity™ coaching program on which this program is based, tell us that decades later they still refer back to the core work you will be doing when faced with decisions or challenges in their life and work.)

The 6 Modules:

The Fulfilled Leader™ Foundations program includes SIX weekly 3-hour live virtual sessions (via Zoom), weekly open office hours to answer any additional questions you may have, and access to our online learning portal of tools to support your fulfillment. And of course you get to connect with an amazing cohort of passionate leaders just like you who want to learn how to fuel up with fulfillment so they can amplify their wellbeing and impact!

Here’s an overview of the six weeks:

Week 1: Upgrade Your Operating System

Pushing yourself and your team to squeeze out every last drop of performance is counterproductive. At a certain point, everyone runs dry. It’s time to upgrade your operating system! This module introduces you to the Life-Work Integrity™ framework – a new vision of success that doesn’t require you to choose between performance and wellbeing, or results and fulfillment.

Week 2: Plug Your Energy Leaks

Did you know you’ve got “holes in your gas tank” so you’re constantly leaking fuel as you drive? If you’re like most leaders, you aren’t conscious of the subtle ways you inadvertently drain your energy. This module provides insight into the sources of your energy “leaks”, how to plug them, and how to make your fuel go further so you can get more done and have more fun!

Week 3: Charge While You Drive

Wouldn’t it be great if everything you did charged your battery rather than draining it? How can you extend and expand the capacity of your “battery” so you can accomplish more without being completely spent at the end of the day? This module reveals tools and techniques to add this important new “feature” to your life and work.

Week 4: The Heart of Resilience

The most inspirational, effective and admired leaders all have one thing in common – a clear driving purpose that informs everything they do. A clear driving purpose provides the energy to sustain your efforts—especially when times get tough — and is a compass to guide you around the obstacles on your path. This module helps you identify (or reconnect with) your purpose and tap into its power to foster resilience in the face of change, uncertainty, and challenge in all its forms.

Week 5: Amplifying Focus

How clear is your vision for your life, career, team and organization? Leaders often have clarity on their team or business vision, but lack clarity on what they’re creating in their life and career. Peak performance and lasting fulfillment are possible only when the goals in your work are aligned with the goals that you have for your life overall. This module dials in your clarity on where you’re going and how to focus on what matters most.

Week 6: Aligning Actions

By week 6, you will have a deeper understanding of your foundations for fulfillment and have had an opportunity to apply your insights each week in your life and work. The final module provides you with an opportunity to bring your insights together into your Fulfilled Leader Canvas™, share them with your peers, and create a plan to sustain your journey towards greater energy, wellbeing, focus, fulfillment, and impact.

What People are Saying

This course has allowed me to have a complete shift of focus on where my priorities need to be and what I need to focus my energy on. It's impacted both my work and personal relationships because I now have better empathy, understanding, and insight about how to better leverage my strengths and the strengths of others. I would say to those thinking of taking this course do it – do it now!
—Isabelle O’Keefe
Senior Workplace Manager (Technology Company)
The Fulfilled Leader course gave me greater clarity on what's draining my energy and that of my team. I have some great ideas on where I need to step back and where I need to lean in even more. I really resonated with the importance of choosing a thriving mindset and now have much greater clarity on what that looks like. It all keeps coming back to shifting mindsets. I feel like I now have a framework and structure for the conversation and for the resulting strategies that we need to create from it. To others who are considering taking this course I would say this… Even though you may feel you don’t have the time, there will never be a perfect time. Invest this time in yourself and you won't regret it – the payoffs are worth it!
—Avril Harkness-Miller
Manager, Coaching Services (BC Public Service)
One of the biggest highlights was connecting with what my purpose is and understanding how important it is for my life and work to align with my purpose. Also how important it has been to get down to what are my core values are and how they're connected to my purpose, my motivation, and my energy mindset. I’ve been incredibly proactive in a way I wouldn’t have been just four weeks ago and I feel confident that I have the building blocks to start realizing my vision both personally and for my team. It’s renewed my enthusiasm for my work and given me more insight into how to bring out my authentic self to support the potential of my team. Clear off your plate and put other things aside to prioritize this work. It truly is what matters most.
—Monique Cotton
Firm Manager (Law Firm)

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Reserve your Spot (for next time)

Be notified when our next Leadership cohort for this session opens up!

Because this course fills up quickly, we don’t want you to miss your chance to attend. To save your spot, simply fill out the form below and we will email you first thing when registration opens back up again!

Problems with this form? Contact us at 604-692-0888 or email us at info@kyoseiconsulting.com!

Meet Your Instructor

Andrea Jacques


Andrea has spent three decades helping people and businesses worldwide to model purpose-driven leadership, find meaningful work, create soulful success, and build businesses that make the world a better place. Five of these years were spent in Japan where her study of Japanese business practices, arts, culture and Zen Buddhism influenced her work on how cultivating passion, purpose and fulfillment are essential foundations for growing resilience, innovation and impact in a rapidly changing world.

As the founder of Kyosei Consulting, Andrea is a dynamic international speaker, facilitator, and executive coach who is on a mission to grow leaders at every level in life and work. Merging eastern and western business philosophy with top-tier leadership, wellness and sustainability concepts – she has helped thousands to cultivate passions, engage their teams and create truly thriving lives and workplaces.

Starts Thursday, May 25, 2023

This exclusive and intensive course consists of 6 sessions that run each Thursday from May 25th until June 29th at 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM PDT (GMT-7). 

All sessions will be recorded (so don’t worry if you aren’t able to make a session).

Register Now to Take Advantage of our Group, Early Adopter and Early-Bird pricing!
  • Early adopter price: $997 (from March 27 until the end of April 16th)
  • 67% off our regular course price!
    •  Buy 5 or more tickets as a team and save an extra $100 off our Early Adopter pricing above ($897; 70% off our regular price). Team discount bundles for Groups of 5 are: $4485
  • Early-bird price: $1497 (starting April 17- May 11)
    • 50% off our regular course price!
  • Regular price (if you miss the above discount windows)$2997
GST + transactional fees from our payment processor Stripe are not included in the quoted prices.


How is this course different than other leadership courses?

Because we know that leadership is always busy and can get lonely, this course is designed to clarify priorities, and cultivate community, not just teach concepts. Rather than adding to the many great ideas on your plate, it helps you understand where to focus your efforts to get both more results and more energy in return. Key concepts like the Life-Work Integrity™ framework are available as “micro-lessons” that you can watch (and re-watch!) in your online learning portal anytime. This allows live sessions to focus on integrating your learning and sharing your insights with fellow participants so you can find the best way to apply the concepts to your life and work. You’ll leave each session feeling more connected not just to yourself, but to an amazing community of difference-makers seeking to grow their capacity to improve their lives, workplaces and the world.  

Is the instructor teaching the course live?

Yes, Andrea Jacques, the founder of Kyosei Consulting and the creator of the Fulfilled Leader™ series of programs will be there live each week – and she’s excited to get to know you! This program has typically only been offered privately inside organizations, so she is thrilled to create this safe space to bring together a diverse group of passionate professionals to further strengthen their wellbeing, resilience, passion, and impact.

Will I have access to the instructor if I have questions?

Absolutely! Each Tuesday afternoon at 1:00 PM PDT (GMT-7), Andrea will be available for open office hours via Zoom where anyone can drop in to get their questions answered or get a bit of coaching on completing their goals and assignments for each week. Our team will also respond to your email inquiries as quickly as we can. You’ve made a commitment to yourself and we’re here to support you all the way!

Why is this course being offered during my work week vs. on evenings or weekends?

Being able to “slow down to speed up” is one of the most essential practices for building a life, a workplace and a world where everyone is thriving – starting with you. It might seem like you can’t afford to block off a half-day off in your busy schedule for six whole weeks, but you can’t afford not to. The payoffs in clarity, energy, and focus that come from understanding what matters most for fuelling your fulfillment, wellbeing and results will be exponential.

Will the live sessions be recorded?

All sessions will be recorded, so you can listen to them at a different time if you need to miss all or part of a session. That said, we highly encourage you to arrange your schedule to attend all sessions live. The insights and relationships that come from the large group discussions, breakout rooms, and “real time” reflection exercises during class can’t be duplicated by simply watching the recordings. Make this commitment to yourself and clear the space to lean into the learning fully.

How much time should I plan to commit to this course?

The answer to this question varies widely depending on the person. Some participants will only spend an hour reflecting on their goals and assignments outside of class and others will find that they want to spend several hours. We have designed the course so that the work can be completed within no more than an hour of time outside of class, but this course does attract keeners who invest far more time to dig into the material in ways that continually surprise us. In short, you can decide what amount of time feels right for you.

Where can I access the course once I’ve registered?

Once you’ve registered for the course, you will receive an official confirmation via email with instructions to log into our learning portal. Depending on the date you register, the materials for the first module may not be open yet. As we want your insights from completing the preliminary work to be fresh in your mind for Day One, will not open up the first module until two weeks before the start date of the course. Once the course begins, the work for the next module will be available immediately upon completion of the live session for that week.

Do I need any special equipment to complete the course?

All you need is a computer, an email account and the ability to access the Zoom links you will be sent to attend the live sessions.

How long do I have access to the course?

You will have access to the Fulfilled Leader Foundations program permanently. We have three decades worth of feedback from our Life-Work Integrity™ coaching program clients (the program on which the Fulfilled Leader Foundations program is based) that they continue to use the tools and insights they gain for years to come. The FL Foundations course literally gives you the foundations to thrive in all areas of your life and work. We want to make sure we’re always there for you.

Can I use the tools with my team?

First of all, we love that you want to use the tools you will be gaining with your team! Like any passionate change-maker, you love to share the things that have helped you with others. Before you do share them with your team, however, we encourage you to consider two things:

1) Give yourself time to fully integrate your own learning first. We’ve all experienced someone coming off a “course high” passionately “spewing” their learning at us without any context. It can leave you feeling lost, overwhelmed, or even insulted. Planning and preparation is key for sharing with your team. As part of the last module, you will be creating an action plan to integrate and apply your learning. If sharing your learning with your team is part of your plan, we will support you to come up with strategies for making that successful.

2) The tools in the Fulfilled Leader™ Foundations course have been designed to be used in conjunction with the content and learning activities in the online portal and live sessions. Sharing tools without providing this same context will not provide the same benefit. Once you’ve completed the FL Foundations program for yourself, we would be happy to give you more information on how to effectively provide the benefits to your team.




What if I want ongoing support after I complete the Foundations course?

We’ve got you covered! Fulfillment is an ongoing journey, not a quick fix. The Fulfilled Leader™ Foundations course gives your “operating system” an initial upgrade, but if you don’t use it, you’ll lose it. To get the full benefit of your new “computing power” you must practice your new tools and mindsets to integrate them in your life and work.  That’s why, in addition to continued access to your Fulfilled Leader™ Foundations resources, we will continue to provide FL Foundations alumni with special access to additional tools and resources as we develop them. All of our tools are developed as we strive to better support our clients, so if you see a need for something that would support you to integrate your learning, drop us a note with your idea and we’ll put our team to work on creating it!

The Fulfilled Leader™ Foundations course is also part of the Fulfilled Leader™ series. We designed this series because the leaders, entrepreneurs, and other difference-makers in our programs wanted to both continue their learning and stay connected to a like-minded group of people who want to create a new vision of work for themselves, their people and the world.

Register Early to Secure Your Spot and Early-Bird Pricing!

This program builds competencies in the following areas:

Duration & Resources:

The Fulfilled Leader™ Foundations program includes SIX 3-hour live sessions (via Zoom) once/week, weekly open office hours to answer questions you may have, and access to our online learning portal of tools to support your fulfillment.

Available as (Delivery Format):

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