Work transformed.™

scaling success

Unlock Your Business (and People’s) Potential with Systems Thinking

In today’s world, success requires more than a big vision and a noble purpose. It requires supporting your people to build the systems, habits and culture that fosters resilience, drives innovation, and amplifies their capacity to thrive on change. 

Building this capacity can be a daunting task — that’s where Kyosei’s Systems & Productivity Training comes in.  

Systems & Productivity

"It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change."

—Charles Darwin


Companies that offer comprehensive training have a 24% higher profit margin than those that spend less on training.

... And, according to the same ATD (Association for Talent Development) study, companies that offer comprehensive training also achieve a 218% higher income per employee than companies that don’t.

The choice is clear, investing in the development of your team’s skills and habits is critical for competitive advantage – particularly when it comes to growing their capacity for productivity, collaboration and whole systems thinking.

If that sounds like what you need, then …

Get a Result of Note™

Unleash Potential with Whole Systems Thinking

What’s the secret to future-proofing your business? Collaborative Intelligence – the ability to align (and realign) diverse people, systems, technology, communities, and cultures in ways that continuously amplify individual potential, business wellbeing and social impact. That’s a pretty big mouthful to bite off (let alone chew)! Where would you even start?

Our Result of Note™ systems and productivity series guides you and your team along the path.

Systems & Productivity Training

The Alchemy of Productivity: Turning Training into Gold

of employees would stay longer
1 %

Reported that they would stay longer at a company if it invested in their career development.

—LinkedIn study (2017)

higher rate of revenue growth (compared to competitors)
1 X

Companies with effective learning and development have a 3.5x higher rate of revenue growth.

—PricewaterhouseCoopers (2017)

Greater Employee Productivity
1 %

Companies with a strong learning culture have 37% greater employee productivity.

The Association for Talent Development (ATD, 2016)

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ready to reach new heights? Let's get there, together.

Since 2001, we’ve helped leaders and teams worldwide unlock potential, ignite passion, lead through uncertainty, reclaim life-work balance, build thriving cultures and dramatically level up their productivity. If that’s what you seek, then…

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