Training Programs

With more than 25 years of leadership and employee development training experience under our belts, we pride ourselves on our ability to craft learning and development programs that get the results you want in your team and your business. The following list of training topics provides an overview of typical topics and formats. Please fill out our Training Needs Assessment and one of our experienced trainers will be happy to meet with you to discuss your training needs in more detail, clarify the learning objectives you have for your team, and provide recommendations on which of our programs will achieve your desired results.

  • Fulfilled: Taking Charge of Your Own Engagement at Work (for Individuals & Teams)

    Employees at any level of the organization will learn how to take charge of their own engagement and, more importantly, why it matters for both themselves and the business.

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  • Communication Foundations

    This training provides managers, entrepreneurs and individual employees with an understanding of the foundations of effective communication upon which all more advanced communication skills such as giving and receiving feedback, conflict resolution, coaching, negotiation and presentations are built.

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  • Peer Performance Coaching

    Managers and leaders are often hard-pressed to find as much time to coach employees as they would like. Fortunately, the benefits of coaching on business performance and profits can also be achieved by empowering your team with the skills to coach each other. This training provides your team with the skills to coach each other to greater performance and fulfillment at work.

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  • Creating a High Trust Workplace

    Whether your team is large or small, workplaces that have high trust foster high performance and productivity. This training helps teams understand how to increase both trust and performance in their workplace.

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  • Career Development Coaching Foundations

    This training program has a positive impact on employee engagement, performance and retention by teaching managers a simple career development coaching framework they can use to empower employees to grow their careers within the company in ways that enhance both their performance and fulfillment at work.

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  • Resolving Conflict in the Workplace

    You can’t avoid conflict in the workplace, but how you deal with it determines whether you create a team that is high performing or highly dysfunctional. This half or full day training program teaches managers, entrepreneurs, or individual employees how to effectively address conflict in the workplace.

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  • Meetings that Matter

    Managers use meetings as a way to keep their team informed, problem solve, and plan but few use them as effectively as they could. How do we know? Wasting time in useless meetings is one of the top reasons employees give for not being as productive as they would like to be at work. This training provides participants with an understanding of how to run meetings that enhance, rather than detract from, employee performance and productivity.

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  • Communication Foundations for a High Performance Workplace

    As businesses grow, it is natural to move high performing employees into a team leadership role. Unfortunately, this move can prove problematic. Employees who are good at doing their own job, don’t always have the skills they need to help manage the performance of others. The additional level of responsibility can distract them from maintaining previously high performance in their original role. Resentment can build from peers who aren’t open to being managed by someone whom they see as being at the same level as they are. In short, moving an employee to a team leadership or mentoring role can turn into a minefield of problems! This program provides newly minted team leaders with the skills they need to confidently manage their peers in a way that fosters creativity, collaboration and camaraderie rather than resistance and resentment.

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  • Fulfilled Leader™: Foundations

    Not your typical leadership program… It’s time to upgrade your operating system. To survive and thrive in the new world of work, leaders must learn how to amplify wellbeing and impact – starting with their own. Based on more than three decades experience working with leaders to amplify performance, wellbeing, engagement, energy and impact in themselves and their teams, this six-week “intensive” course is a Masterclass in what it takes to create and sustain fulfillment as a leader.

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