Training Programs

With more than 25 years of leadership and employee development training experience under our belts, we pride ourselves on our ability to craft learning and development programs that get the results you want in your team and your business. The following list of training topics provides an overview of typical topics and formats. Please fill out our Training Needs Assessment and one of our experienced trainers will be happy to meet with you to discuss your training needs in more detail, clarify the learning objectives you have for your team, and provide recommendations on which of our programs will achieve your desired results.

  • Business, Brand & Culture Foundations

    Great companies are founded on passion. While leaders and business owners often possess this passion in abundance, it can be a challenge to translate their passions into a strong brand and culture that will stand the test of time as they grow.

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  • Planning & Organizing Your Work

    With clarity on priorities, the next major barrier to productivity is a lack of planning and organization. This module provides participants with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively plan and organize projects, tasks, and space to optimize productivity.

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  • Leading Engagement in Your Team

    This highly interactive training provides leaders and managers with a solid understanding of what employee engagement is, why it matters for both immediate and long-term business success and profitability, and how to positively impact engagement in their team.

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  • Fulfilled: Taking Charge of Your Own Engagement at Work (for Individuals & Teams)

    Employees at any level of the organization will learn how to take charge of their own engagement and, more importantly, why it matters for both themselves and the business.

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  • Employee Performance Management Foundations

    This introduction to performance management develops participants’ management skills by providing them with an understanding of the different approaches to performance management and when to use each one.

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  • Communication Foundations

    This training provides managers, entrepreneurs and individual employees with an understanding of the foundations of effective communication upon which all more advanced communication skills such as giving and receiving feedback, conflict resolution, coaching, negotiation and presentations are built.

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  • High-Performance Feedback

    This course provides leaders, managers, and business owners with the skills and knowledge they need to enhance team member performance and productivity by providing more effective feedback and recognition.

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  • High-Performance Teamwork Foundations

    This course provides participants with the skills, knowledge and motivation to improve team effectiveness, thus increasing customer service and business profitability. It serves as a foundation for our other programs that enhance teamwork as it provides participants with a clear understanding of what teamwork is, the importance of teamwork for a thriving business, and the manager’s role in enhancing teamwork.

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  • Purpose-Driven Brand & Culture Foundations (for Leaders)

    When it comes to building a purpose-driven business that thrives long term, you need to do more than just tell a great story, you need to live one. This training provides the skills and knowledge businesses need to build a brand and culture that stands out in the market, making it easier to attract and keep the customers and employees you need to make more money and have more impact.

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  • Result of Note™ Systems Thinking

    The Result of Note (TM) training session provides leaders, managers, business owners and employees at any level with the knowledge of why and how to implement systems that will stand the test of time, empowering them to participate in improving personal productivity and business performance. The end result? Less stress, more productivity, higher levels of quality and service, and a healthier bottom line.

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  • Time & Energy Management Foundations for Business Productivity

    This training session equips leaders, entrepreneurs and employees at all levels with the key skills and knowledge they will need to manage their time and energy more effectively, improve their productivity, and achieve better results at work. It covers all of the content from both the Clarifying Priorities for Productivity and the Planning & Organizing Your Work half-day programs.

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  • Clarifying Priorities for Productivity

    This training program provides leaders, entrepreneurs and employees at all levels with the necessary skills and knowledge to set effective priorities and avoid the distractions that keep them from staying focused on these priorities in their day-to-day work.

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  • Planning & Organizing Your Work

    This training provides leaders, managers, entrepreneurs and employees at any level with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively plan and organize projects, tasks, and space to optimize productivity.

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  • Creating Customer Delight

    Research shows that customer satisfaction is no longer enough – unless your team is consistently delighting your customers, they will be vulnerable to being seduced away by your competition. Based on best practices from companies that lead the way in service excellence, this training provides all the tools and knowledge your team needs to delight customers in big and small ways.

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  • Strategic Coaching for Performance & Engagement

    Coaching is proven to improve productivity, enhance innovation, reduce turnover, increase employee engagement and grow bottom line profits. This introductory training provides leaders, managers and entrepreneurs with the skills and knowledge they need to coach their team members to peak performance.

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  • Peer Performance Coaching

    Managers and leaders are often hard-pressed to find as much time to coach employees as they would like. Fortunately, the benefits of coaching on business performance and profits can also be achieved by empowering your team with the skills to coach each other. This training provides your team with the skills to coach each other to greater performance and fulfillment at work.

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  • Creating a High Trust Workplace

    Whether your team is large or small, workplaces that have high trust foster high performance and productivity. This training helps teams understand how to increase both trust and performance in their workplace.

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  • Career Development Coaching Foundations

    This training program has a positive impact on employee engagement, performance and retention by teaching managers a simple career development coaching framework they can use to empower employees to grow their careers within the company in ways that enhance both their performance and fulfillment at work.

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  • Resolving Conflict in the Workplace

    You can’t avoid conflict in the workplace, but how you deal with it determines whether you create a team that is high performing or highly dysfunctional. This half or full day training program teaches managers, entrepreneurs, or individual employees how to effectively address conflict in the workplace.

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  • Meetings that Matter

    Managers use meetings as a way to keep their team informed, problem solve, and plan but few use them as effectively as they could. How do we know? Wasting time in useless meetings is one of the top reasons employees give for not being as productive as they would like to be at work. This training provides participants with an understanding of how to run meetings that enhance, rather than detract from, employee performance and productivity.

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  • Personal Foundations for Customer Delight

    This training session helps participants to tap into the most essential element of sustaining high levels of customer service — their own intrinsic motivation. Participants will learn a variety of techniques to make great service a natural part of their own fulfillment at work.

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  • Systematizing Satisfaction

    Every business owner knows that systems are critical to business success, but when it comes to consistently satisfying customers, it is sometimes difficult to pinpoint exactly where things are going wrong. This training session provides participants with a framework for understanding customer satisfaction, identifying the barriers that are derailing it, and building systems to support high levels of customer satisfaction over the long term.

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  • Respect in the Workplace

    This training session covers everything you need to know to be compliant with your legal obligations to address and prevent bullying and harassment in your workplace.

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  • Defining Roles & Responsibilities

    Many employers create job descriptions to hire new employees and then never refer to them again. Since business needs and employee abilities are constantly changing, this can lead to confusion, inefficiency and conflict. This training provides managers and entrepreneurs with the skills they need to clearly define the roles and responsibilities of their team members on a regular basis to support the achievement of business results with greater speed and ease.

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  • Foundations of Effective Delegation

    One of the most common frustrations of leaders, managers and entrepreneurs is how to effectively delegate tasks to their employees. This training provides participants with a system for effectively delegating work that ensures it will meet the leader’s expectations and timelines.

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  • Purpose-Driven Business, Brand & Culture Foundations (for Teams)

    Great companies are founded on passion. While leaders often possess this passion in abundance, it can be a challenge to translate their passions into a well-defined brand and culture for their employees. This training program provides employees with an understanding of the core elements that define a business’s brand and culture, how these elements will enhance their performance and fulfillment at work, and the kinds of systems that need to be put in place to consistently deliver on their company’s unique brand promise.

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  • Leading to Thrive

    This unique training program provides leaders and managers at all levels with an in-depth understanding of how to sustainably grow performance, energy and engagement in themselves and their team over time. This individual training is structured to occur over several months with application exercises in between each session. This allows participants to immediately apply what they are learning in the workplace to improve performance and business results.

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  • Team Lead Foundations: Managing Your Peers

    As businesses grow, it is natural to move high performing employees into a team leadership role. Unfortunately, this move can prove problematic. Employees who are good at doing their own job, don’t always have the skills they need to help manage the performance of others. The additional level of responsibility can distract them from maintaining previously high performance in their original role. Resentment can build from peers who aren’t open to being managed by someone whom they see as being at the same level as they are. In short, moving an employee to a team leadership or mentoring role can turn into a minefield of problems! This program provides newly minted team leaders with the skills they need to confidently manage their peers in a way that fosters creativity, collaboration and camaraderie rather than resistance and resentment.

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  • Strategic Planning and Systems Thinking for Teams

    Most leaders and business owners see strategic planning and systems improvement as their sole role and responsibility. While this is typically the case, it doesn’t have to be that way. In fact, this belief that strategic thinking and planning, systems optimization and problem solving are the responsibility of management alone is one of the biggest blocks to innovation, customer service excellence and business growth. This 4-day training program is designed to introduce employees at all levels to the fundamentals for business literacy so that they are better able to contribute to optimizing business systems, strategy and profitability as they go about their day-to-day role.

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  • People and Performance Management (Foundations, Foundations Plus, Intensive)

    This Management Training program is designed to provide established entrepreneurs with an overview of best practices in people and performance management from a variety of industries. It offers both the depth and breadth of knowledge small business owners need to “level up” their own abilities to manage their team and to grow the capacity of their employees both individually and collectively.

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  • Result of Note™ Systems Thinking Train-the-Trainer

    The Result of Note (TM) training session provides leaders, managers, business owners and employees at any level with the knowledge of why and how to implement systems that will stand the test of time, empowering them to participate in improving personal productivity and business performance. The end result? Less stress, more productivity, higher levels of quality and service, and a healthier bottom line.

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  • Advanced Communication Tools for Leaders

    Good communication skills are the foundation of success in every role, no matter what your business may be. Wherever there are business challenges there are communication challenges that, if not at the root of the issue, are at least getting in the way of finding solutions. This training provides managers, entrepreneurs and individual employees with an understanding of both basic and advanced tools for improving their ability to communicate with and get results from their teams. Upon completion, participants will be able to communicate more effectively with colleagues and customers and have a strong communication foundation upon which to address challenges and achieve better results for their organization.

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  • Productivity Foundations for Owners & Entrepreneurs

    The recent need for many business to shift to remote or hybrid work models has exposed the fact that many leaders lack an understanding of these productivity foundations and that their organizations lack the key systems, structures and processes that support productivity. This program provides a big picture overview of fundamental productivity skills, knowledge, tools, and mindsets that support teams to thrive no matter where they are working from.

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  • Leading a Thriving Team in a Remote Work World

    The forced shift to remote work presents an opportunity for organizations to examine and rebuild their foundations for driving performance, engagement and results in ways that support all stakeholders to reach new levels of thriving. This program provides a big picture overview of fundamental skills, knowledge, tools, and mindsets that support teams to thrive no matter where they are working from.

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  • Thriving Together While Working Apart

    Employees are needing to adapt rapidly to working from home, while also implementing huge shifts in the core business models and processes of the organizations they work for. This can feel overwhelming. It may not seem like it, but there’s a bright side. The forced shift to remote work presents an opportunity for organizations to examine and rebuild their foundations for driving performance, engagement and results in ways that support all stakeholders to reach new levels of thriving.

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  • Leading and Managing Change

    Most successful leaders feel confident in their strategic planning, project management and performance management abilities, but experience frustration when it comes to realizing the full potential of planned change initiatives in their organizations. This isn’t just because they have high expectations. Research shows that 50-70% of change initiatives fall short of achieving the outcomes identified at the beginning of the change effort. So why do so many brilliant leaders so often experience such a lack of success in managing change? It’s because they rely on their strengths of managing the task-oriented side of strategy, projects and performance and underestimate the importance of the much messier, more emotional and less rational side of change – the people side. This program equips participants with the fundamental skills and knowledge they need to lead and manage both planned and unexpected change. Regardless of whether they have been instrumental in instigating the change or are themselves struggling to buy into the required changes even as they are expecting to manage others to implement the change, participants will gain perspective on the human side of change that will move both them and their team in the direction the organization needs.

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  • Managing Change for Small Business Leaders

    Most small business owners struggle to successfully implement and sustain change in themselves, their team and their business overall. Research shows that 50-70% of change initiatives fall short of achieving the outcomes identified at the beginning of the change effort. Why? Because they focus on trying to manage concrete projects and tasks and underestimate the importance of managing the much messier, more emotional and less rational side of change – the people side. This program equips participants with the fundamental skills and knowledge they need to lead and manage both planned and unexpected change. Regardless of whether they have initiated the business change themselves or have had change forced upon them by external forces, participants will gain valuable skills, knowledge and perspective on the human side of change that will help them more confidently move their team in the direction they want their business to go.

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  • 21st Century Leadership: Growing Culture, Engagement, Resilience and Impact in the New World of Work

    The new world of work requires a new type of leadership. In a volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous (VUCA) world, traditional models of hierarchical leadership no longer work. For organizations to survive and thrive in the 21st century and beyond, leaders must adopt a new approach. They must become experts in cultivating leaders at every level. While many leaders understand the need to shift their leadership mindset and approach, they find it difficult to understand where to begin. This program provides leaders with an overview of the new science and realities driving leadership effectiveness and supports them to take immediate action to apply their insights to improve the performance, fulfillment and impact of themselves, their team and their business.

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  • Productivity Foundations for Teams: Getting Things Done in the New World of Work

    Never before have employees have been faced with so many challenges to productivity – and such a need for it. This program provides a big picture overview of fundamental skills, knowledge, tools, and mindsets that support individual and team productivity no matter where they are working from. Many employees know these fundamentals in theory, but don’t apply them as fully as they could for themselves or their teams. This program is designed to introduce or refresh these fundamentals. More importantly, it includes application assignments for participants to report back on in each subsequent session to ensure that they apply their learning back at work. The entire series is delivered over several months to ensure participants apply their knowledge and develop the productivity habits and systems they need to keep improve their productivity continuously over time.

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  • Culture Design Bootcamp for Purpose-Driven Small Business Owners

    As an owner of a successful and growing small business, do you feel overwhelmed, exhausted and frustrated that things just don’t seem to run properly unless you’re there?   Do you wonder why, no matter how many times you tell them, your team doesn’t seem able to do things the way you want them to?   Do you wonder if you’ll ever get to the point that you have the freedom you started your business to create?   You’re not alone. If you’re like many successful purpose-driven small business owners, your success to date has been built on a great product, solid marketing, hard work and your passion for what you do. In short, your success and growth have been based, to a large extent, on your character, personality and passions. This is both your biggest strength and your biggest weakness. It’s your biggest strength because it has brought you to where you are. The products and services you’ve created, the customers you’ve attracted, the staff who work for you – all of them are here because of who you are and what you do. It’s your biggest weakness because, until you define that “secret sauce” that lives inside you in a way that allows your team to duplicate it in their area, you’re going to be stuck monitoring and micro-managing every aspect of the business. Not only does this limit the freedom and fulfillment your business can create for you as the owner, it limits the long term growth potential of your business. If you’re serious about leaving a positive legacy with your business and creating greater freedom and fulfillment for yourself, defining and systematizing your culture is the next critical step on your entrepreneurial journey. Our Small Business Culture Design Bootcamp will catapult your business to the next level by teaching you how to take your secret sauce out of your head and put it into the hands and hearts of your team!

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  • Communication Foundations for a High Performance Workplace

    As businesses grow, it is natural to move high performing employees into a team leadership role. Unfortunately, this move can prove problematic. Employees who are good at doing their own job, don’t always have the skills they need to help manage the performance of others. The additional level of responsibility can distract them from maintaining previously high performance in their original role. Resentment can build from peers who aren’t open to being managed by someone whom they see as being at the same level as they are. In short, moving an employee to a team leadership or mentoring role can turn into a minefield of problems! This program provides newly minted team leaders with the skills they need to confidently manage their peers in a way that fosters creativity, collaboration and camaraderie rather than resistance and resentment.

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  • Fulfilled Leader™: Foundations

    Not your typical leadership program… It’s time to upgrade your operating system. To survive and thrive in the new world of work, leaders must learn how to amplify wellbeing and impact – starting with their own. Based on more than three decades experience working with leaders to amplify performance, wellbeing, engagement, energy and impact in themselves and their teams, this six-week “intensive” course is a Masterclass in what it takes to create and sustain fulfillment as a leader.

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